Slury & Sewer Pipelines


Slury & Sewer Pipelines

“AQUAPLAST GROUP” has very dedicated team for designing & execution which can prolong the life span of a piping system using functional polymer layersThe abrasion resistance characteristics and flexibility of HDPE pipe make it ideal for slurry ow line applications and such installations are in widespread use throughout the world. Metal pipes might be abrasionresistant, but metal is also brittle, and even though the pipe would withstand wear from the inside, it might be too brittle to handle stress from pressure surges or ground movements and would consequently break. The transportation of uids such as liquids & liquid/solid mixtures or slurries is a highly complex process and requires a detailed knowledge of the specic uid before ow rate & Pipe diameter calculations can be performed. As distinct from water, many uids regarded as slurries have properties which are either time or shear rate dependent or a combination of both characteristics. Hence it is essential for the properties of the specic uid to be established under the operating conditions being considered for each design installation. In addition to water ow, slurry ow design needs to take into account the potential for abrasion of the pipe walls, especially at changes of direction or zones of turbulence.

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